LUKOIL AVIATION BULGARIA performs quality control of JET A1 aviation fuel at all stages of delivery, storage, preparation and refueling of aircrafts. Fuel quality is tested in the laboratories of the relevant airport.
LUKOIL AVIATION BULGARIA refuels aircrafts "into plane" at 5 international airports in Bulgaria and Kishinev airport in the Republic of Moldova. The company delivers aviation fuel JET A1 produced in the biggest refinery in the region - LUKOIL NEFTOHIM BURGAS AD.
The quality of the fuel is compliant with the last issues of international standards ASTM-D-1655 and DEF STAN 91-91.
It is transported to the civil airports, where it is stored until refueling.
The company is a licensed ground handling operator for fuels and oils designated for civil and general aviation at airports Sofia and Bourgas. At the rest of the airports the refueling services are subcontracted to the relevant airport administration/airport operator.
The company offers bundled services for all Bulgarian airports. The prices for "into plane" deliveries include all expenses up to the time the fuel is on board the plane. This includes all airport fees.
Customer Service options:
Without advance contract. In this case previously published AD HOC prices for each airport are applied. Payments are in cash or according to the airport policy.
After presenting a valid refueling card: AVCARD, WFS, UVAIR
After receiving a loading notice from a registered agent, who guarantees fuel payment.
On the basis of a signed contract, that can be made with any domestic or foreign aviation company having a valid aviation operator license with an annual volume of refueling exceeding 200Mt. In this case contract prices are valid.
LUKOIL AVIATION BULGARIA performs quality control of JET A1 aviation fuel at all stages of delivery, storage, preparation and refueling of aircrafts.
Ground handling operator license for aircrafts with fuels and oils at Sofia Airport.
Ground handling operator license for aircrafts with fuels and oils at Bourgas Airport.

In order to verify conformity with production technical specification samples are taken for visual or laboratory analysis. The analysis is performed according to the latest practices and standards. A certificate is issued by an independent inspection organization (or laboratory) and contains the results of the completed tests.
At all airports where LUKOIL AVIATION BULGARIA delivers aviation fuel JET A! the quality control is performed from a nationally accredited laboratory equipped with the most modern testing instruments specifically for testing aviation fuel JET A1.
All operations for accepting and unloading the fuel from rail tanks or trucks to the refueling of the aircrafts is performed by qualified professionals. This allows LUKOIL AVIATION BULGARIA to guarantee the high quality of the delivered product and service.